[ love and comraderie ]

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Why I Love Guys

I love boys. Guys are great. Men are alright, but guys and boys are righteous! Case in point: I'd just gone to the Curiosa Festival to see Mogwai (wicked) and Interpol (ruled). I met up with Mike, Pete and Gotham. Gotham, I'd pointed out, had the best name I'd heard all day. Probably all month, if not all of this year. I like the dynamics of boys.

When guys meet other guys, in certain circumstances, it's very reminescent of being kids. When we're kids we see another kid, approach them simply because we're the same height and at the same eye level. There's also the potential of play involved. One kid will invite the other kid to play. Sometimes there's an exchange of names right from the start. Sometimes the names aren't brought into the fold until the end, when someone's Mom calls him in for dinner. Last night was very much like that.

I knew Mike, a cook, from a local watering hole. He brought Pete, a best mate of Jimmy's, one of the bartenders at said watering hole. Both Pete and Jimmy are from England, England. Both are hilarious. Jimmy couldn't come. So the three of us are laughing, smoking pot, talking about stuff, critiquing a particularly bad band, and laughing extra hard because the smoke has caught up. Then to my left, Gotham had appeared. No one knew Gotham, but he had a wonderful sense of humour and play. He was invited into our circle immediately. He was terribly enthusiastic about everything, which was refreshing. I found a kinship in him. Instead of using balls, or mallets or gloves or other props, we played with wordplay. It was scathing, harsh, sweet, endearing, incredibly funny and sometimes fueled with delicious malice. But it was highly inventive and creative. Such fun.

What I really like about the interactions between guys is there's none of the weird shit involved when talking with girls, quite often, or at least it's different shit. I've noticed, as a girl who often talks to other girls and quite likes other girls on a whole, there is a kind of procedure in dealing with them.

Unspoken Rule Number 1: You must make a flattering comment about something on them. It could be a piece of jewellery, their hair (they usually love this), eyes, shoes (also a favourite), handbag, etc. This is designed not only as an icebreaker, but it also shows the other girl is not a threat. You don't have to do this with guys.

Unspoken Rule Number 2: You have to talk about your feelings. This may be one of the interests the girl has right now. They really feel something for it. It must be discussed. Guys do this too, but they work it into the conversation more naturally but they certainly don't dwell on it forever. Usually with girls it's a complaint of something someone's done to them, an unfortunate event of needless anxiety at work, or something particularly heinous the old boyfriend did to her. Or, it's just mindless fluffy stuff. Girls try to figure out a solution to the problem. This could go on all night. Guys just say, "Dude, that sucks," and move on.

Guys talk about really interesting stuff, too. Music, science fiction, books, pictures (both moving and still), hobbies and interests. They're always keeping abreast of stuff almost in anticipation of sharing these little tidbits of what most women consider useless information. It is not useless... usually. And this is totally subjective. If I'm not in the mood for a certain topic, I'll just tune out.

Guys cheer other guys on. Guys genuinely like and trust other guys. Guys like to buy other guys beers. That's just nice. And guys are just happy to be my friend without expecting anything in return. Guys are great. Guys are good. Guys live in my neighbourhood.


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