[ love and comraderie ]

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Practicing Detachment

I don't recall the last time I'd taken an entire summer off from anything, either school or work. Maybe when I was eight. I guess the next time I did so was this summer. And it's been the best thing I could have ever done for myself.

It didn't start off great. I was lying in shavasana, or corpse pose, in my early yoga practice when I decided, or rather my body decided I could no longer work where I was working. So I quit. Yoga was the beginning of all the awareness I've been having this summer. It's been a beautiful and wild adventure.

I am a believer of serendipidous acts. One thing leads to another. Answers are out there if you're looking for them and you pay attention to the signs.

I've made it my business to care about things my whole life. But when I cared too much it would adversely affect my life. If things didn't turn out the way I wanted it would rupture something inside me or it felt not unlike a cancer growing inside. It was horrible. The act of caring a bit too much is my vision ends up getting blurred and I have no idea what it was I was looking for in the first place. It's kind of akin to being an inexperienced web researcher. You go online and look up something very specific. There are 100's of hits. Not all of them have 100% relevance, but you go onto the site anyway. One path takes you to another. So if the search started with the bad effects of fluoride, say, you could by the end of 5 hours have accidentally entered yourself into a wet T-shirt contest in Utah. It's hard. Staying focused. For some. For me. So I've decided to let go.

Change is funny in most people. For me it's just a decision. I've decided to not care so much, and it sounds weird but it's working for me. I'm happier. I can love my friends more because I expect absolutely nothing from. And I can acknowledge all the love they can muster up for me. It's hard for most people to demonstrate love of all denominations. I'm a bit gifted in that realm. It's a good gift. So I think I'm helping, which is really good. And it feels really good. So that's good. Whole lotta good in a paragraph.


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