The State of Delusional
I don't watch television. I haven't done so for 10 months now. What I learned from television I was a misinformation of law, pre-marital blood tests and firemen’s alleged rescue of kittens from trees. From a distance, I could see that television was singularly the most powerful medium that persuades. No one knows this more than the current US administration. It has, since its reign, used this as a vehicle for lies, blatant deception and fear mongering.
Wednesday evening's prime time slot was filled by the annual State of the Union address. Receiving top billing was the monkey elect. The Congress was the live studio audience. No hissing here. No jeering this time. Just cheering. And lots of it.
Stand up! Sit down! Fight-fight-fight!
Goooooo.... Kill! Win!
"Mr. Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, fellow citizens: As a new Congress gathers, all of us in the elected branches of government share a great privilege: we have been placed in office by the votes of the people we serve."
Elected? Well... I suppose this time he was. I think, though I'm not sure. 4 years ago he received over 500,000 less popular votes than his Democratic rival. But this time all the votes could have been calculated correctly. Yeah. Maybe this time they were! Even though the companies who created the ballot counters are in full Republican support. Anyway, he'd already submerged the entire nation on a Campaign Against Terror™. It was too late. It almost made sense he was re-elected, just to finish what he'd started.
"And tonight that is a privilege we share with newly elected leaders of Afghanistan, the Palestinian territories, Ukraine, and a free and sovereign Iraq."
I'm sure those ballots were correctly tallied for the newly elected. Certainly none of those guys are fed directives from members of the Skull and Bones.
Free and sovereign Iraq...
Free: death tolls, currently at a factor of 2.5x greater than they were during Hussein's reign.
Free and indiscriminately maimed, homeless victims; the numbers heartbreakingly skyrocketing.
Sovereign. Had to look that one up. says: One that exercises supreme, permanent authority, especially in a nation or other governmental unit... That sounds about right.
"Tonight, with a healthy, growing economy, with more Americans going back to work..."
Tautologically true, there are less people unemployed, but they are making less money. Many are below the poverty line. Many are homeless. Many of these created jobs (nothing like a little war to reinvigorate a dying economy) get parsed out of the regular system, as labour is cheaper in other countries.
”Because one of the main sources of our national unity is our belief in equal justice, we need to make sure Americans of all races and backgrounds have confidence in the system that provides justice. In America we must make doubly sure no person is held to account for a crime he or she did not commit -- so we are dramatically expanding the use of DNA evidence to prevent wrongful conviction.”
In 2002, 1 out of 143 Americans were in correctional facilities. I wonder how much of the population is aware of the cheap labour performed by prison inmates. I wonder how many know that ”criminals” often book your travel itineraries? At deeply discounted employment pay rates. Convicted criminals... not just for making license plates anymore!
"...with our nation an active force for good in the world...”
Random Soldier: Hey let's blow that up good, Bubba!
Bubba: Yeah...realgood!
”Our generation has been blessed -- by the expansion of opportunity..."
Seizing a nation, reduced to rubble, is like shooting fish in a barrel with an Army issue M-249 Squad Automatic Weapon. Don’t forget to check the mail for the gold sealed, embossed invitation given to the very powerful, multinational Republican supporters, made so by the 100's of thousands in dollars of corporate support designed to secure contracts to rebuild this nation of rubble. The most generous supporters win the contracts. Step right up!
Another America™
Coming soon: Middle Eastern Disneyland
"... advances in medicine"
But only the kind God told him is alright. No stem cell research for you. Nothing that could actually save your life. Nothing that could actually make your standard of living better. It’s unethical! It messes with God’s perfect creation of humans. But don’t worry, God fearing folk, like in Hollywood. It’s alright to have some self-esteem inducing plastic surgery, making a person resemble something from a distant solar system. But regenerating a heart, say; that is simply unacceptable in the eyes of God. It messes with Nature. God’s design. See, Little Georgie knows because God talks to him.
Kill her Mommie.
Kill all of them.
It seems there is nothing wrong with the further advancement of the caleidescope array of patents for mass nullifying drugs. Drugs designed to inhibit revolutionary, individual thought. If you're lucky, you might even forget your own name. It would make it easier to live with what you voted in.
Oh, and now they're doing mandatory psychological testing on school children, prior to admission. I'm sure this is a tool designed to profile those who could potentially want to shoot their other classmates during a lunch period.
Why haven’t you asked why? Why haven’t you looked for the root cause? Or don’t you care? Do you need such simple answers?
Why would a kid want to hurt others? I suspect it’s to mirror and reciprocate the violence inflicted by others to him. To stop it because nobody else is doing anything about it.
The school system and the system at large, not only condone, but encourage ostracization. The Popular vs. the Freaks.
You Republicans enforce and underscore a zealot's partisanism. You want separate factions all serving your Greater Good™ campaign. You want all your servants to compete against each other. You plant the Joneses in every neighbourhood, just for others to keep up with. You want all neighbours distrustful of one another. Keep 'em separated. Keep 'em fighting for their own purpose. Keep ‘em working until they can’t see. Keep 'em buying stuff.
As for the kid, whom you and all the other religious fundamentalists will blame for listening to too much rock ‘n roll (the devil’s music), or FPS video games, without ever looking at the structure in which you encourage your America to live, consider a kid who:
Feels nothing short of isolation because of the constant ridicule of classmates and teaching staff who place "beauty", wealth and popularity as the pinnacles of success.
Maybe is a little heavy = freak
Suffers the mental anguish of chronic acne = ugly
Suffers from real problems = crazy
What if he barely exists on the scraps of his self-esteem?
None of this is detected because your nation’s classrooms are too fucking big to allow for individual attention; something every child needs.
”To make our economy stronger and more productive, we must make health care more affordable, and give families greater access to good coverage, and more control over their health decisions. I ask Congress to move forward on a comprehensive health-care agenda -- with tax credits to help low-income workers buy insurance, a community health center in every poor county, improved information technology to prevent medical errors and needless costs, association health plans for small businesses and their employees, expanded health savings accounts, and medical liability reform that will reduce health-care costs, and make sure patients have the doctors and care they need.”
Not just an explanation of the psychology of the masses but, western medicine has never sought the root cause of illness either. They’re not concerned with finding the cure. That doesn't make much money. I mean sense. We have to Keep America Working™. It's always been about finding a bandage solution, while tapping the scant resources of the people. This service of healthcare is performed only after proof of payment is provided. Only then will a medical practitioner even browse their chart.
Membership has its privileges.
Staying alive? Priceless.
I come from a place where healthcare is a right of every citizen. The concept of denying healthcare unless there is proof of payment provided from the start, seems the issue in dire need of reform.
Annually, 20,000 accidental deaths occur in US hospitals. Completely unrelated to the medical emergency the patient was admitted. Doctors often work up to 36 hours straight, on call. I wonder whether the proposed medical liability reform entails capping the lawsuits made by families that lost a vital member in their lives by, say, accidentally sewing up a patient who had a scapel or surgical sponge forgotten inside? Are the nifty little machines going to provide advanced technology rectifying human error caused by high stress and induced exhaustion?
”To keep our economy growing, we also need reliable supplies of affordable, environmentally responsible energy. Nearly four years ago, I submitted a comprehensive energy strategy that encourages conservation, alternative sources, a modernized electricity grid, and more production here at home, including safe, clean nuclear energy. My Clear Skies legislation will cut power plant pollution and improve the health of our citizens. And my budget provides strong funding for leading-edge technology -- from hydrogen-fueled cars, to clean coal, to renewable sources such as ethanol. Four years of debate is enough -- I urge Congress to pass legislation that makes America more secure and less dependent on foreign energy.”
1. Since the price hike in gasoline, there has been zero reduction in the amount consumed. Americans are pigs when it comes to gas consumption.
2. It was this government who, when a business paid $106,185 for a Hummer H1, that same business could deduct $88,722 from the original cost. It was a next to a near free car that burns the most fuel on the open road. Replete with one hell of a tax incentive.
3. “Safe, clean nuclear energy”? It’s the only way you can stay in the nuclear game. Clever catch phrases that placate the masses in thinking this ineffective method of energy is the most viable.
4. Coal is not clean.
5. If you gain a 52nd state, say Iraq, you will effectively be less dependant on foreign energy.
”America's immigration system is also outdated... It is time for an immigration policy that permits temporary guest workers to fill jobs Americans will not take, that rejects amnesty, that tells us who is entering and leaving our country, and that closes the border to drug dealers and terrorists.”
Why won’t Americans take these jobs? Isn’t there not a depiction of someone who cleans toilets for a living on any of your reality based programming? No? I wonder why. There is more accumulated wealth begging for spare change on the street. Well, toilets have to be cleaned. So then some background performers come on the scene; some illegal aliens. Or “temporary guest workers”. A score of people can live, crammed into a one room, ramshackled, cockroach infested dwelling. They can work your shit jobs that none of your uneducated, though affluent minded (false sense of entitlement) wouldn’t be caught dead doing. Unless of course they were properly recompensed. To me, $20/hr for cleaning up someone’s shit doesn’t seem unreasonable.
I have no idea who you have manning the borders since your soft draft has effectively led anyone who has ever sniffed the butt of the armed forces on an extended tour of duty. No end in sight.
”The United States has no right, no desire, and no intention to impose our form of government on anyone else. That is one of the main differences between us and our enemies. They seek to impose and expand an empire of oppression, in which a tiny group of brutal, self-appointed rulers control every aspect of every life. Our aim is to build and preserve a community of free and independent nations, with governments that answer to their citizens, and reflect their own cultures. And because democracies respect their own people and their neighbors, the advance of freedom will lead to peace.”
You delusion-spinning fascist, fascist fuck.
How can you say, full of earnestness, in front of your entire nation, nothing but overt lies? Nothing but direct deflections of your intent? Projections. Damned Method actor! Everything you say against these other powers, something you want to personally stamp out in the name of Freedom™, are blatant mistruths. You don't even know what freedom means. I dare you to define it. I implore you. But you cannot, without a full quarterly report, define a patented registered trademark.
This has been your campaign since Day One. Remember that day? The one where you stole the presidency? The day you successfully bred fear in your populace? Congratulations. You have created your own warped Utopia. Your Vision of Freedom™ is anything but. You are effectively heading a police state. You sit smug as the Chief of Police.
And for now it’s working. Your people are too afraid to speak. I am friends with these people. They're convinced that if they say anything remotely opposing your position, they will be dealt with by the proper authorities. Interrogated. Blighted. Arrested. They are scared to have an opinion. Free thought.
Allow me to refresh your memory. This is a war YOU created, just like all the other wars YOU'VE created. It needn’t have happened. America was never threatened. Has never really ever been threatened. All threats have been conjuered.
Just like in the War on Drugs™, YOUR CIA was heading the cocaine cartel. They encouraged young punk dealers to be their pawns in their back pockets. Now, in this current War on Terror™, YOU handed over the weapons. YOU sent over the technology and the infrastructure to make it happen. In your vain search for Weapons of Mass Destruction™, YOU were looking in the spot you lay them last. Sure, they moved them. Maybe they sold them back to Korea or Great Britain, or Palestine. All the countries you initially sold the plans to, the ones on your personal speed dial. All the countries you’ve done nuclear business with.
”Today, Iran remains the world's primary state sponsor of terror -- pursuing nuclear weapons while depriving its people of the freedom they seek and deserve. We are working with European allies to make clear to the Iranian regime that it must give up its uranium enrichment program and any plutonium re-processing, and end its support for terror. And to the Iranian people, I say tonight: As you stand for your own liberty, America stands with you.”
Idle threats, I say. Going into Iran would mean World War III. It would be the end of the world, not as we know it; it would simply mean The End. Though America thinks itself the Greatest Economic Power of the World™, it’s not. China has moved into that position. It has its major oil stake in Iran. Petroleum is the base component of plastic. America has a great stake in China. They are America’s greatest exporter. Walmart wouldn’t exist without China. To China, America is its bitch. Bush had to say something in regards to Iran, but there wasn’t a threat for future occupation. It was a passive threat. Symbolic. A sticks and stones issue, designed to placate his Zionist pals.
Ack, the ex-husband/ best friend, had a beautiful analogy:
Ack: A man stands with his wife and small child. A threatening man is standing opposite the family. He throws a gun down at the feet of the family man. It's loaded. All of a sudden the threatening man punches the family man's wife in the face, breaking her nose, blood gushing everywhere. The family man picks up the gun at his feet; shoots the violent perp. The family man is arrested for possessing a weapon of mass destruction.
May God bless America, and not screw the rest of us.
Wednesday evening's prime time slot was filled by the annual State of the Union address. Receiving top billing was the monkey elect. The Congress was the live studio audience. No hissing here. No jeering this time. Just cheering. And lots of it.
Stand up! Sit down! Fight-fight-fight!
Goooooo.... Kill! Win!
"Mr. Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, fellow citizens: As a new Congress gathers, all of us in the elected branches of government share a great privilege: we have been placed in office by the votes of the people we serve."
Elected? Well... I suppose this time he was. I think, though I'm not sure. 4 years ago he received over 500,000 less popular votes than his Democratic rival. But this time all the votes could have been calculated correctly. Yeah. Maybe this time they were! Even though the companies who created the ballot counters are in full Republican support. Anyway, he'd already submerged the entire nation on a Campaign Against Terror™. It was too late. It almost made sense he was re-elected, just to finish what he'd started.
"And tonight that is a privilege we share with newly elected leaders of Afghanistan, the Palestinian territories, Ukraine, and a free and sovereign Iraq."
I'm sure those ballots were correctly tallied for the newly elected. Certainly none of those guys are fed directives from members of the Skull and Bones.
Free and sovereign Iraq...
Free: death tolls, currently at a factor of 2.5x greater than they were during Hussein's reign.
Free and indiscriminately maimed, homeless victims; the numbers heartbreakingly skyrocketing.
Sovereign. Had to look that one up. says: One that exercises supreme, permanent authority, especially in a nation or other governmental unit... That sounds about right.
"Tonight, with a healthy, growing economy, with more Americans going back to work..."
Tautologically true, there are less people unemployed, but they are making less money. Many are below the poverty line. Many are homeless. Many of these created jobs (nothing like a little war to reinvigorate a dying economy) get parsed out of the regular system, as labour is cheaper in other countries.
”Because one of the main sources of our national unity is our belief in equal justice, we need to make sure Americans of all races and backgrounds have confidence in the system that provides justice. In America we must make doubly sure no person is held to account for a crime he or she did not commit -- so we are dramatically expanding the use of DNA evidence to prevent wrongful conviction.”
In 2002, 1 out of 143 Americans were in correctional facilities. I wonder how much of the population is aware of the cheap labour performed by prison inmates. I wonder how many know that ”criminals” often book your travel itineraries? At deeply discounted employment pay rates. Convicted criminals... not just for making license plates anymore!
"...with our nation an active force for good in the world...”
Random Soldier: Hey let's blow that up good, Bubba!
Bubba: Yeah...realgood!
”Our generation has been blessed -- by the expansion of opportunity..."
Seizing a nation, reduced to rubble, is like shooting fish in a barrel with an Army issue M-249 Squad Automatic Weapon. Don’t forget to check the mail for the gold sealed, embossed invitation given to the very powerful, multinational Republican supporters, made so by the 100's of thousands in dollars of corporate support designed to secure contracts to rebuild this nation of rubble. The most generous supporters win the contracts. Step right up!
Another America™
Coming soon: Middle Eastern Disneyland
"... advances in medicine"
But only the kind God told him is alright. No stem cell research for you. Nothing that could actually save your life. Nothing that could actually make your standard of living better. It’s unethical! It messes with God’s perfect creation of humans. But don’t worry, God fearing folk, like in Hollywood. It’s alright to have some self-esteem inducing plastic surgery, making a person resemble something from a distant solar system. But regenerating a heart, say; that is simply unacceptable in the eyes of God. It messes with Nature. God’s design. See, Little Georgie knows because God talks to him.
Kill her Mommie.
Kill all of them.
It seems there is nothing wrong with the further advancement of the caleidescope array of patents for mass nullifying drugs. Drugs designed to inhibit revolutionary, individual thought. If you're lucky, you might even forget your own name. It would make it easier to live with what you voted in.
Oh, and now they're doing mandatory psychological testing on school children, prior to admission. I'm sure this is a tool designed to profile those who could potentially want to shoot their other classmates during a lunch period.
Why haven’t you asked why? Why haven’t you looked for the root cause? Or don’t you care? Do you need such simple answers?
Why would a kid want to hurt others? I suspect it’s to mirror and reciprocate the violence inflicted by others to him. To stop it because nobody else is doing anything about it.
The school system and the system at large, not only condone, but encourage ostracization. The Popular vs. the Freaks.
You Republicans enforce and underscore a zealot's partisanism. You want separate factions all serving your Greater Good™ campaign. You want all your servants to compete against each other. You plant the Joneses in every neighbourhood, just for others to keep up with. You want all neighbours distrustful of one another. Keep 'em separated. Keep 'em fighting for their own purpose. Keep ‘em working until they can’t see. Keep 'em buying stuff.
As for the kid, whom you and all the other religious fundamentalists will blame for listening to too much rock ‘n roll (the devil’s music), or FPS video games, without ever looking at the structure in which you encourage your America to live, consider a kid who:
Feels nothing short of isolation because of the constant ridicule of classmates and teaching staff who place "beauty", wealth and popularity as the pinnacles of success.
Maybe is a little heavy = freak
Suffers the mental anguish of chronic acne = ugly
Suffers from real problems = crazy
What if he barely exists on the scraps of his self-esteem?
None of this is detected because your nation’s classrooms are too fucking big to allow for individual attention; something every child needs.
”To make our economy stronger and more productive, we must make health care more affordable, and give families greater access to good coverage, and more control over their health decisions. I ask Congress to move forward on a comprehensive health-care agenda -- with tax credits to help low-income workers buy insurance, a community health center in every poor county, improved information technology to prevent medical errors and needless costs, association health plans for small businesses and their employees, expanded health savings accounts, and medical liability reform that will reduce health-care costs, and make sure patients have the doctors and care they need.”
Not just an explanation of the psychology of the masses but, western medicine has never sought the root cause of illness either. They’re not concerned with finding the cure. That doesn't make much money. I mean sense. We have to Keep America Working™. It's always been about finding a bandage solution, while tapping the scant resources of the people. This service of healthcare is performed only after proof of payment is provided. Only then will a medical practitioner even browse their chart.
Membership has its privileges.
Staying alive? Priceless.
I come from a place where healthcare is a right of every citizen. The concept of denying healthcare unless there is proof of payment provided from the start, seems the issue in dire need of reform.
Annually, 20,000 accidental deaths occur in US hospitals. Completely unrelated to the medical emergency the patient was admitted. Doctors often work up to 36 hours straight, on call. I wonder whether the proposed medical liability reform entails capping the lawsuits made by families that lost a vital member in their lives by, say, accidentally sewing up a patient who had a scapel or surgical sponge forgotten inside? Are the nifty little machines going to provide advanced technology rectifying human error caused by high stress and induced exhaustion?
”To keep our economy growing, we also need reliable supplies of affordable, environmentally responsible energy. Nearly four years ago, I submitted a comprehensive energy strategy that encourages conservation, alternative sources, a modernized electricity grid, and more production here at home, including safe, clean nuclear energy. My Clear Skies legislation will cut power plant pollution and improve the health of our citizens. And my budget provides strong funding for leading-edge technology -- from hydrogen-fueled cars, to clean coal, to renewable sources such as ethanol. Four years of debate is enough -- I urge Congress to pass legislation that makes America more secure and less dependent on foreign energy.”
1. Since the price hike in gasoline, there has been zero reduction in the amount consumed. Americans are pigs when it comes to gas consumption.
2. It was this government who, when a business paid $106,185 for a Hummer H1, that same business could deduct $88,722 from the original cost. It was a next to a near free car that burns the most fuel on the open road. Replete with one hell of a tax incentive.
3. “Safe, clean nuclear energy”? It’s the only way you can stay in the nuclear game. Clever catch phrases that placate the masses in thinking this ineffective method of energy is the most viable.
4. Coal is not clean.
5. If you gain a 52nd state, say Iraq, you will effectively be less dependant on foreign energy.
”America's immigration system is also outdated... It is time for an immigration policy that permits temporary guest workers to fill jobs Americans will not take, that rejects amnesty, that tells us who is entering and leaving our country, and that closes the border to drug dealers and terrorists.”
Why won’t Americans take these jobs? Isn’t there not a depiction of someone who cleans toilets for a living on any of your reality based programming? No? I wonder why. There is more accumulated wealth begging for spare change on the street. Well, toilets have to be cleaned. So then some background performers come on the scene; some illegal aliens. Or “temporary guest workers”. A score of people can live, crammed into a one room, ramshackled, cockroach infested dwelling. They can work your shit jobs that none of your uneducated, though affluent minded (false sense of entitlement) wouldn’t be caught dead doing. Unless of course they were properly recompensed. To me, $20/hr for cleaning up someone’s shit doesn’t seem unreasonable.
I have no idea who you have manning the borders since your soft draft has effectively led anyone who has ever sniffed the butt of the armed forces on an extended tour of duty. No end in sight.
”The United States has no right, no desire, and no intention to impose our form of government on anyone else. That is one of the main differences between us and our enemies. They seek to impose and expand an empire of oppression, in which a tiny group of brutal, self-appointed rulers control every aspect of every life. Our aim is to build and preserve a community of free and independent nations, with governments that answer to their citizens, and reflect their own cultures. And because democracies respect their own people and their neighbors, the advance of freedom will lead to peace.”
You delusion-spinning fascist, fascist fuck.
How can you say, full of earnestness, in front of your entire nation, nothing but overt lies? Nothing but direct deflections of your intent? Projections. Damned Method actor! Everything you say against these other powers, something you want to personally stamp out in the name of Freedom™, are blatant mistruths. You don't even know what freedom means. I dare you to define it. I implore you. But you cannot, without a full quarterly report, define a patented registered trademark.
This has been your campaign since Day One. Remember that day? The one where you stole the presidency? The day you successfully bred fear in your populace? Congratulations. You have created your own warped Utopia. Your Vision of Freedom™ is anything but. You are effectively heading a police state. You sit smug as the Chief of Police.
And for now it’s working. Your people are too afraid to speak. I am friends with these people. They're convinced that if they say anything remotely opposing your position, they will be dealt with by the proper authorities. Interrogated. Blighted. Arrested. They are scared to have an opinion. Free thought.
Allow me to refresh your memory. This is a war YOU created, just like all the other wars YOU'VE created. It needn’t have happened. America was never threatened. Has never really ever been threatened. All threats have been conjuered.
Just like in the War on Drugs™, YOUR CIA was heading the cocaine cartel. They encouraged young punk dealers to be their pawns in their back pockets. Now, in this current War on Terror™, YOU handed over the weapons. YOU sent over the technology and the infrastructure to make it happen. In your vain search for Weapons of Mass Destruction™, YOU were looking in the spot you lay them last. Sure, they moved them. Maybe they sold them back to Korea or Great Britain, or Palestine. All the countries you initially sold the plans to, the ones on your personal speed dial. All the countries you’ve done nuclear business with.
”Today, Iran remains the world's primary state sponsor of terror -- pursuing nuclear weapons while depriving its people of the freedom they seek and deserve. We are working with European allies to make clear to the Iranian regime that it must give up its uranium enrichment program and any plutonium re-processing, and end its support for terror. And to the Iranian people, I say tonight: As you stand for your own liberty, America stands with you.”
Idle threats, I say. Going into Iran would mean World War III. It would be the end of the world, not as we know it; it would simply mean The End. Though America thinks itself the Greatest Economic Power of the World™, it’s not. China has moved into that position. It has its major oil stake in Iran. Petroleum is the base component of plastic. America has a great stake in China. They are America’s greatest exporter. Walmart wouldn’t exist without China. To China, America is its bitch. Bush had to say something in regards to Iran, but there wasn’t a threat for future occupation. It was a passive threat. Symbolic. A sticks and stones issue, designed to placate his Zionist pals.
Ack, the ex-husband/ best friend, had a beautiful analogy:
Ack: A man stands with his wife and small child. A threatening man is standing opposite the family. He throws a gun down at the feet of the family man. It's loaded. All of a sudden the threatening man punches the family man's wife in the face, breaking her nose, blood gushing everywhere. The family man picks up the gun at his feet; shoots the violent perp. The family man is arrested for possessing a weapon of mass destruction.
May God bless America, and not screw the rest of us.
When a perfect little island is one day inhabited by awesome, righteous folk you, Zontar, will be saddled up to the bar drinking out of a coconut.
Re: Corporate Criminals
Yes. Fucking right; you're right. But it doesn't happen. Not now, nor do I think it ever has. Send them to Australia! Oh, wrong time in history. Clime's too nice, anyway.
Re: Prisoners
They've reduced numbers since the highest level from 2002, but it is the most cost effective employee programme that technically keeps citizens within a nation working, but is dual edged because they get paid shit and everything they buy is sanctioned by the government... with whomever they have contracts with.
Just like in the armed forces.
It's nothing but win-win for some-some.
P.S. The fellows who stole that loaf of bread to keep their families from starving to death are still on death row. This is so fucked.
Comrade Chicken, at 10:31 a.m.
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