[ love and comraderie ]

Sunday, December 10, 2006

And Now For A Musical Interlude *

The Bastard Fairies - Whatever

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*This delightful band has a full album to download for free

Hi, Universe. It's me. I know it's a bit premature. I know it's something I tend to reflect on at the end of the year, or maybe sometimes on my birthday. It's not something I'm used to being overwhelmed with at quarter after 3, Sunday morning. As you know, I've not historically been the sentimental drunken sort. Argumentative, yes. But the I love you, man sort... well, no.

I just wanted to thank you.

Thank you for granting me my birthday wish of receiving as much love as my heart could handle. Sometimes what I've been receiving has been a bit more than I thought I could take, but with each increment it's getting easier to get used to. I'd like to make an addendum to my wish. I wish to never get used to the love that I will constantly receive. I wish that each time I hear how much someone loves me or appreciates me that it thrills and delights me until my heart brims over. I hope, I hope, I hope, forever, forever and ever.

And thank you for making me feel as special as I am. You're right. Life is markedly different than it was just a few short months ago. Hopefully I'll have the better sense to listen next time.