[ love and comraderie ]

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

As The World Turns

There's a fellow I work with, his name is Gino. He's Greek, but would rather people think he was Italian. He hates Greeks. Or says he does, anyway. He's always quick with the "shoving it up the ass" jokes. Inherently Greek. They love lamb in all forms.

Mostly alive,
Seldom kicking,
By the edge of a cliff.

Gino lives with his girlfriend, Melissa. She's beautiful, capable, is one of the guys. Is in love with him.

I just learned Gino doesn't love her.
He doesn't love her and yet shares his bed, his free time and his life with her.
This both confounded and saddened me.

The Comrade: G, how can you do this?
Gino: She's 28! I'm 41! I've had love in my life, believe me!
TC: But what about her?
Gino: What can I do? She loves me.


Another fellow I work with, Tony, is from Albania. He's lovely. I'm pretty confident that the fact that he's an immigrant contributes to his work ethic. He speaks at least six different languages and is always found doing something constructive. It is an absolute pleasure to work with him. His girlfriend lives in New York with her family.

She and Tony communicate by email and by phone. Their transmissions are gushy, sweet, sophomoric and extremely adorable. There are flash-generated floating hearts, improperly syntaxed proclamations of love and sweet desire. They can't be together because her family won't let her leave the country. Won't let her leave them. Tony's not allowed to visit the States, as he hasn't received full landed immigrant status. It's a bureauocracy issue. Forms. Waiting lists. Time. He's 28. She's 21 and beautiful. He's scared she's going to find someone else.

If he goes into the States illegally and gets caught he will get thrown in jail. Add on legal fees and he will be effectively between $10,000 and $20,000 in the hole. And he will be denied access across the border for an additional 5 years. Everyday Tony asks, "What can I do?"

Everyday I hate that I don't have an answer for him.

Minou, one of the newest additions to our support staff, is a very young (22), very cute and a very sweet gay boy. He's taken on another job, with us, one which is less lucrative and far less glamourous than his day job of being Club Monoco's merchandiser. This aim is to collect as much money as possible to fund a trip to visit his boyfriend who just recently moved to Australia. Though Minou gets a lot of attention and offers of a sexual (and maybe romantic) nature at work and throughout his life, he takes no one up on it, keeping constant boyfriend vigil by way of text messaging and email instead. Minou's emails are of the ilk Tony and his girlfriend share.

Minou received, after sending a particularly adorable email, a curt reply. He's now desperate, anxious and deeply worried he's lost him to the tanned, the gorgeous, the active, Priscilla... Queen of the Desert.

I hate that I can't comfort him.


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